1000 years ago ladies of old told their stories by creating tapestries. The modern stamper has replaced needle and thread for ink and rubber but the end result is the same. Our canvas is meant to entertain as it tells our story.
When I have a lot of time to stamp, I enjoy throwing myself into Scenic Stamping. This is something I'm still fairly new at and I keep trying to push my boundaries each time I create a scene.

I used 20 rubber stamps to create this 10 x 8.5 inch scene.
All Stamps are by Stamp Francisco the Barthomews Ink line of stamps.
The old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words is well applied to this form of stamping since it is a visual story-telling. Sometimes the story makes sense and sometimes the story is surreal but either way I find them all to be most entertaining.

All stamps are by 100 Proof Press Rubber Stamps
It's fun to mount and frame scenic art but last year I wanted to take it one step further and decided to try stamping scenes on mini lampshades. This way my artwork could be functional as well as fun to look at. I was so thrilled at the way this first one came out that I created a few more and entered them into 100 Proof Press's Rubber Stamps contest for July 2009. Lucky for me I won one of the prizes and got to add more of their great stamps to my growing 100 Proof Press collection.
I enjoy going to thrift stores to pick up these mini lampshades and bases whenever I can find them. It is a very economical way to create this kind of art and it's "green" since I'm recycling someone else's trash into my treasure. Also you can use a 12 x 12 sheet of paper on the diagonal to cover one of these small lampshades.
I'm constantly amazed at the scenic artwork other stampers produce. I enjoy seeking out their latest creations and am continually inspired by them.
Most rubber stamp sites have a gallery of artwork to give you ideas and let you see what others have created. There are also online groups you can join like Scene Stampers and Stampscapes Yahoo groups for even more inspiration.
Here are just a few of my favorite Rubber Stamp sites I go to when I need inspiration:
Stampscapes -
(I find Kevin Nakagawa's work to be breath taking
and his site has great tutorials).
Beeswax Rubber Stamps -
(There are a variety of amazing scenic artist's work here.
Some of my favorites are by: Diana Collier, Mark Roseboom,
and Sulea Lee to name a few).
Some of my favorites are by: Diana Collier, Mark Roseboom,
and Sulea Lee to name a few).
(There is so much great scenic artwork to view at this site.
Some of my favorite artists work is by: Diana Collier, Kristina Louthan, Louise Rocheleau, Beverly Shupp, Rebecca Stiles and Hannamaija Teisko to name a handful).
I believe that no man or woman's stamp artwork is an island. We all get inspiration from others and then the circle continues as we inspire others in return. It is an ever evolving process that I'm glad to be a participant in. I thank all those who continue to inspire me and hope my work might do the same for someone else.
Grins and Giggles,
Evelyn (EKDuncan)
You can see more samples of my scenic stamping at:
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